What We Do

Your dedicated consultant will…

Learn About You

We want to learn all about your student, but it’s even more important that they learn about themselves. We will work through a series of assessments to discover your student’s unique personality strengths, interests, values, career possibilities, and desired college features. 

With knowledge comes power.

Build Your College List

Once we’ve really gotten to know your student, we will work iteratively with them to develop a balanced list of colleges that fit their geographic, academic, social, and financial needs.

It’s all about having solid options.

Empower Your Essays

We will not write essays for your student, but we will brainstorm with them and draw out their best possible stories. We offer edits and revisions of their application essays while maintaining their unique voice.

Authenticity wins the day.

Guide Applications to Completion

When it’s time to get the applications done, we will scope out deadlines, provide a concrete plan, and meet with your student consistently until all applications are submitted. 

We ensure student accountability.

Educate Your Family Along the Way

There are many additional aspects to the college admissions process that we will explore and discuss in a timely manner – standardized testing, teacher recommendations, financial aid & scholarships, college visits, when to apply, etc.

You won’t miss a step.

Deliberate the Final Decision with You

This is likely the first big life decision your student will make, and that can be nerve-wracking. We help hash out the options, pros & cons, and give you things to think about, all to help your student choose a path forward they can get excited about.

Delight in a decision well made!

Consider us your guide, project manager, family liaison, confidante, cheerleader, and sounding board. Our mission is to pave a clear path through the college admissions process, so you can breathe easy and celebrate your student’s hard work and exciting future ahead.

How we do it:

Your student and family will always meet one-on-one with our founder, Lisa. She is with you from beginning to end.

All meetings are held virtually. That means you don’t have to leave the comfort of your own home.

We understand that all families are different. We offer comprehensive packages for rising high school Juniors and rising high school Seniors, as well as hourly packages for individual service needs.

Contact us, so we can get acquainted and see how we can help your student find their clear path forward.