Gain clarity. Breathe easy.

We clarify the maze of the college admissions process for families such as yours, so you find a great college fit where your student can thrive and your budget can survive.

Are you…

Feeling confused, overwhelmed or intimidated by the college search and application process?

Unsure of where to start?

Short on time to figure it all out?

Not confident you can help your student find the right college?

Not sure your student will value your advice?

Clear College Consulting can help.

In a personalized and compassionate way, we guide you through the college search and admissions process using a clear and organized approach. Our streamlined process will save you time, reduce stress, and help maintain familial harmony. The ultimate goal is for your student to enroll in a college that is a great fit for them and will lead them on a path to success.

Contact Us

How can we be of service along your college search and admissions journey? Let us know, and we’ll be in touch very soon.

Thank you!